Can you believe I won an appeal with Yahoo! Answers?
Well, like most people, I was sure that my complaints to Yahoo! Answers censors had fallen upon deaf ears. But, much to my surprise and satisfaction, they responded today. Not only have they re-activated my account, they even said they were Sorry... Well I have to tip my hat... just this
Here is the response I got from them today:
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Answers.
We have reviewed your appeal request. Upon review, we found that your content was not in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines, Yahoo! Community Guidelines or the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Your content has been reposted to Yahoo! Answers, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Answers.
Arguing with Yahoo! Answers over removed content?
Good for you!! Yeah!! Glad to hear it because, in my experience, trying to appeal is like hitting your head against a wall except the wall is smarter and more sympathetic than the Yahoo staff.
Reply:Wow I have got no's right away or havent even heard back from a couple of them. Its good to know that at least one person might actually read them lol.
Reply:Well that's a first
Reply:Congrats, keep fighting for what you believe in
Reply:I've won about 6 of my appeals.
I get lucky because people only report the ones that AREN'T violations, so I get restored fully, while THEIR mod. score goes down, rendering them another step toward rightful suspension.
It's definitely possible .. just something you have to be sure of when you attempt it. That isn't to say I haven't gotten violations I deserved!
Good luck in your future answering.
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