Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why don't yahoo stop this people using (Yahoo Center Award Lottery)?

On the 23nd of April 08. I receive a email saying I won $900,000.00. Gave a batch#, reference# even a pin# located in Africa. Using the name Albert Nelson, now I don't know how true this is, but makes people wonder at time. Yahoo don't have a complain email that people can report stuff like this. Or even to fine out weather it's real or not. Some people like myself wouldn't really know if is true or not. They also gave a couple emails and a phone#, which is a moblie# # is +23480281001030, email is and Question's asked are, country, contact address, phone#, fax#, marital status, occupation, date of birth, and sex. How are people really going to know if yahoo didn't really put it there? Sure, that may be some folks aware of this but is everyone? I rather receive an answer from yahoo, or let people know facts about this. At the end of this give a name of(Prof. Rose Hods)Has anyone had this problem? They give 15 days to

Why don't yahoo stop this people using (Yahoo Center Award Lottery)?
I answer so many questions on this very subject every single day. I always direct the questionnaire to the below link for confirmation of this email scam. This site also has an on line form where scams and frauds can be reported (with links to your own country.) It also gives excellent advice on what steps to take to achieve a spam free in box :

The more people who report these scams and frauds the better. Contrary to popular belief there have been successful prosecutions of these thieves, albeit only a small minority.

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